Thursday, February 21, 2013

C’est la Sain Ballotin dans DOFUS !

Du 12 au 20 février, la bave va couler ! Pas celles des amoureux transis qui s’embrassent sur les bancs publics, mais celle des Bouftous enragés agonisant dans les prés… Et puisque la Rosissure n’épargne personne, vous devrez tous vous comporter comme des gentlemen et des ladies en vous envoyant un peu moins sur les roses que d’habitude ! C’est la Sain Ballotin, quoi.

Sortez votre plume pour coucher votre verve sur le papier. Léchez l’enveloppe parfumée. Croisez les doigts pour faire mouche auprès de la/du bienaimé(e). Et découpez en tranches quelques Bouftous contaminés ! à vous les ballotins de chocolat et les fées d’artifice invocatrices de c?urs !

Et à vous le plus mignon des Familiers ! Ross, le lapino rose bonbon qui fait aussi ses preuves en baston, vous attend dans votre abo pour un mois acheté ou plus entre le 12 février 10 h et le 19 février 23 h 59. Ne lui posez pas un lapin !

Le Concours de Strips des Sains Ballotins vous attend toujours : faites-nous rire en 3 cases en screens ou en dessins, et gagnez des cadeaux ! acheter des kamas

N’oubliez pas de consulter les quêtes d’offrandes de l’Almanax pour en profiter pleinement, notamment le 14 février, jour des amoureux, quand Duf, le Méryde du béguin vous accordera de l’XP !

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Friday, February 1, 2013

Guild Wars 2 launches “Living Story”, first arc available now

Guild Wars 2 has introduced a dedicated development team for the MMORPG's “Living Story” – short-term events with long-term impact on the game’s world.

“The job of the Living Story team is to bring the world to life. On an ongoing basis, we’ll spin out story threads that will introduce you to new heroic characters, mysterious plot twists, and dramatic moments that affect the world,” narrative designer Angel McCoy wrote in a blog post.

Living Story means dynamic events, some of which will “change up what’s happening in the world and to add to the evolving story and challenge of the game”.

McCoy said players won’t be required to play the content, which will only be available for limited amounts of time, but are likely to be interested in what happens to the characters next. buy or sell GW2 items

Some Living Story arcs will take months to complete, but players won’t know in advance how many events will be part of the narrative chain – they’ll just happen, as it were, rather than being showcased as a quest string. Arcs will feature recurring characters, are distinct from holidays or major events, and offer their own achievements system. cheap Wars 2 gold

The first Living Story arc is called Flame and Frost and kicked off on January 28 with teaser content. Players can join in by volunteering to help the refugees from the Shiverpeaks in the Wayfarer Foothills and Diessa Plateau. Learn more about the arc on a dedicated page.
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Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Aion 3.5 finally lands on EU servers today

     While North American Daevas have been enjoying all the goodies that came with Aion 3.5 since last October, folks across the pond had to continue to wait for their turn. Now, though, the wait is finally over as Game forge has released patch 3.5 on the European servers. EU Daevas can get their PvP on in new arenas, enjoy special legion quests (along with a legion level cap increase to eight), and dive into new dungeons like Tiamat's Stronghold. Players wanting a break from the adventuring side of life can take part in the new village improvement process to get new housing designs and add NPCs to the neighborhood.

    Get a glimpse of Tiamat as she awaits you in the trailer after the break, then hop in game to face her for yourself!

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Sunday, January 13, 2013

An enormous karka scuttled out of the Sea of Sorrows and attacked the harbor of Lion's Arch.

Karkazilla Attacks

On Friday, an enormous karka scuttled out of the Sea of Sorrows and attacked the harbor of Lion's Arch, the largest city in Guild Wars 2. Lion's Arch is like Ogrimmar, but prettier, bigger, more useful, and with a way longer drawing distance. (In case you're new to this column, that was not the first or the last time I attempt to tweak World of Warcraft. Sad, I know. I can't help it. We mock what we wish we were as popular as.) This karka knocked over a lighthouse that was previously an immutable part of the city's geometry.
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My, how purple you are.

The first day of Lost Shores was a scavenger hunt to investigate the creature. On the second day, we established a beachhead on the newly discovered Southson Shoals, where the karka live. And on the third day we fought an insane battle to destroy the karka's nest and kill the ancient karka. He was a king or something -- I didn't really catch his name. But I made a point to stand on his body and get my picture taken after it was all over. I then joined the 100 other people swarming the chest it dropped to get their awesome new earring. In addition to the earring, I also got two rare items and two exotic items, none of which I can use because I don't wear heavy armor, I can't use a mace, and I can't use a bow. Thanks, karka king. I also got a bigger purse, which is arguably even more useful than the earring. cheap Wars 2 gold 

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Sunday, January 6, 2013

Return of the Monster Mash!

    Due to the shortage of non-aggressive monsters, the Monster Mash was put on hold through the fall. But now, with the release of 2.9, a new option has made it possible for Izmar to tame those raging beasties and make them play nice while they visit Amakna! That means that it's time for you to vote!(1) Sell RS cheap

   The Monster Mash is a monthly party for all the English-speaking servers  - an event that lets players choose the monsters that they want to fight together on the last weekend of the month.

How does it work?

     You suggest monsters that you'd like to fight. Izmar picks three monsters from all of the suggestions and creates a poll. You vote on the poll, and the monster that the most people vote for gets spawned in Amakna on all English-Speaking servers for the entire final weekend of the month. dofus item

    But why? Can't people just fight these monsters where they normally live?

    We know that it can be difficult to find groups sometimes. Maybe you're fighting monsters that are in a distant part of the server, maybe you don't really know what you want to fight, or maybe you've got a schedule that keeps you from logging at the same time as the rest of your guild.

     The Monster Mash is a weekend where we invite everyone on the servers to rub elbows in Amakna so you can easily find groups with people who are on at the same time as you, all want to fight the same thing, and you can do so without having to run all over creation!
That's why we ask for the suggestions and the vote so there's a better chance of getting the most possible people interested in what's going on. It also gives you - the players - a chance to have a voice in what we do which we think is keen.

   Think of it as a four-day-long mixer where you can see, be seen, and get some exp and lootz. Ok, I'm ready to vote, what are my choices this month?

    This month, you can vote for Nolifis Island Ghosts, Petrified Forest Monsters, and Mount Scauldron Monsters. Please be aware that there will be NO BOSS SPAWNS roaming free. Sorry, but that's how it has to be.

    You can cast your vote here! You have until December 26th, don't delay!

   Do you have suggestions for future Monster Mash polls? Post them in the comments!buy and sell dofus kamas

   Update: Mount Scaul bdron Monsters have won the poll! From now until  maintenance on Tuesday, January 1st, 2013, Mount Scauldron Monsters will spawn in Amakna (and maybe even one or two in Astrub, stay watchful!)

   These special event monsters do not aggro, so don't be shy! Get out there and overturn their huny pots!

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Warrior output talent options: Titan, bent, or weapons. Warrior output talent options: Titan, bent, or weapons.

Conclusion: bent> Titan ≥ weapons turn violent war threshold is at or close to 20% crit, and weapons otherwise peace of mind.

When I turn violent? Titan or bent? LZ body "trial and error"
Recent dd are most focused than these two questions. LZ yesterday after brush carbonate Ruby, heart intolerable itching formally violent first step (actually loaded 479, two broken star random group last week, double open suction The immortal gas to help LZ top up!)
Based on some of the more important results of the first time with the transformation simcraft simulation (results for LZ equipment, everyone may be slightly different)
Look at the LZ property and equipment
TG equipment and attributes, such as signatures, gems fM Armory. (No smf as one weapon, so bent to stay in the second part.)
The original weapon talent is headless helmet teachings containing a 476 broken star and leave more power gems, and other equipment.
tg test: 10000 the monomer stakes chiefs boss battle, 350 seconds total allowable error of 0%, buff full. (1)

Raw the weapon talent test: 10000 times monomer stakes the princes boss battle, 350 seconds total allowable error of 20%, buff full. Forget to modify the (time error before, but tested 3 and 80700 consistent.) (2)

(DPR anger utilization, weapons> bent> Titan, RPS in / out I'm not sure what is)
Visible, for stakes monomer boss, LZ equipment, double broken star double the Wugang the DPs just to catch up with loaded weapons talent. This is also the LZ has been reluctant to turn violent.
The foregoing combination LZ property and equipment, to make some personal views for some hot issues.
1.LZ body 480 + double purple weapons, the minimum threshold for entry-TG. (Optimal FM optimal gem interpolation method, the most balanced force crit) smf as one might a little low.
2 deputies Wugang output ratio deputy Windsong about 1.2% higher (measured did not put out)
3.TG use Ruby + White Tiger coasters + White Tiger is about 1% higher. The overall equipment highs, coasters will catch up with Ruby. Thor, H Raytheon beyond both of which should be no problem.
4 dps is not persistent, especially like the violent disregard installed. After all, play all the power of the weapons of war is not easy, the prometaphase easy inflicts weapons than violent weak illusion.
The second part is about the smf bent
Mainly take more the populist nT14 full set bis compare, hT14 there will.
TG_nT14 (3)

SMF_nT14 (4)

TG_hT14 (5)

SMF_hT14 (6)

Both ordinary graduation or H graduate, SMF leading TG 2.5% or so.
May we also remember the 5.0 just opened Titan weapons as one is very close to 3 talent, like law Lord 3 foot Dingli.
What caused the original gap between the weapons Titans bent the greater it? BIS are based on T14 graduation test.
The LZ view recent entity installed the 5.05 patch, mainly soldiers output skills comprehensive weaken caused.
Beheaded: damage caused by 9721 (Weapon Specialization) and 8101 (Fury, Protection Specialization), respectively, down by 10,466 and 8721 points of damage.
Anger hit, deputy anger hit: causing 190% weapon damage, down from 215%.
Repression: causing 105% weapon damage, down from 120%.
Mortal Strike: 175% +2693 points and weapon damage, down from 185% +2703 damage.
Slam: resulting in 190% +1894 points weapon damage, down from 215% +2144 damage.
Bloodthirsty: cause 90% +1121 weapon damage, down from 100% +1246 damage.
The winds blow: 230% +1003 points and weapon damage, up by 220% +823 damage.
Calculation summarized drawn: (the hoist say here, is 3 talent in relative terms, overall ZS output drop.)
Cut beheaded, arms and bent decline the largest weapons exports go down, as one also drop a little.
Cut anger hit, TG and bent, fell slightly larger than the former, as one-point advantage back.
Cut bloodthirsty, TG, and as one, the former fell slightly bent and back point advantage.
4.buff winds bent improved a lot.
In summary, the TG is bent beyond a lot. Weapons lethal, Slam, has been beheaded, full cut, directly lead to weapons in the late waste.
Look back on the map ordinary T14 graduation, the smf in strength, rapid, proficient in revenue aspects, income higher than TG the crit income consistent. That is why I said, smf simple brutally direct and effective.
Above are based on the properties in our hearts (dual wielding one-handed weapons) and Titan (dual wield two-handed weapon) difference probably worse based on about 1200 strength and 1200 crit.
As one advantage is obvious, but at this stage there is no evidence to prove that the The SMF growth, hT14 and nT14 two stages, tg and smf gap basically the same 2.5% to about 2.7% higher than TG.
Kay aragon old 5 single hand ax than hands broken Star is easier to acquire, especially team deck output.
Final reminder to intentionally SMF friend Eragon Lucky Charm to ensure your current violent or Tanzania talent to roll into a single hand ax.

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Returning to the happy: Make a note of the Well of Eternity clothing is an interesting field PUP

        The things Cause: trumpet misfires
Both parties to do the task trumpet because the AOE skills Qiangguai A to the other fight. I Alliance party trumpet number two wells serving four Wind Valley field battle first round victory.
After tribal queen passing by, saw his own camp trumpet disadvantage hands help the Horde side wells serving four Wind Valley field battle second round victory.
Union trumpet began to shout for help, line and queen saw owners and some daily cornered alliance excitedly ran stirring up trouble.
So things evolved into field PUP, officially began the third round of the wells serving four Wind Valley field battle.
Both sides seemed a tacit understanding, and queen only cut large, the trumpet only kill trumpet. The dead corpse ran back to life again later.
Mixed career of trumpet also from time to time to a large one, although this one is not so thirst-quenching.
More and more people join between the two sides, the battlefield from camp Xinnaiwali side hit the foot of the Great Wall.
The third round, the two sides have only play for a draw, because there is no limit, unlimited run dead resurrection.
Win or lose, we experience the passion of returning to the wild. Which also appeared in a lot of funny lens. The wild, is what can happen.
Lens 1: our winner Wars opposite selling Meng Xiong
Our winner fierce and extremely cut to sell Meng Bear again and again retreat. Results actor skills fully open hacked to death to sell Meng Xiong ADD a bunch of the Great Wall mantis, but the skills already come to grief fully open to death.
Lens 2: line and the main dark step assassination of thieves VS opposite hunters
Obviously, zoo director won the wretched of the essence, the line and the main elements against tribal Sa when a blood principal quietly away. Line and the main run corpse looked fighting record, then targeted the zoo director.
Unfortunately, the principal of the level of relative difference of point, line and the main line and could not withstand the burst of fierce only less than half of the blood, so a flowing after the jump distance chic chic, so the principal jumped into our warlock and his group accomplices claws.
The middle-aged human bald the Warlock exposed a long lost smile, how can a woman active gestures let? Then colluded with a group of accomplices who cheated, principal so met with angel sister.
Lens 3: Mining soldiers fighting in anger mining
One of our soldiers trained in mining, that he is a knight on the cut, may be chaos in the wrong, I did not expect to cut cut suddenly picked up a hoe to dig around mine. I guess
The meter that Knight Sidel.
This is a well served very ordinary field PVP, this scene every day played out nothing like moral issues.
Line and the master is respected opponent, everyone in the village saw the the own camp trumpet killed shot to help understandable, we also makes sense to help their own camp trumpet, you light spray it.
Line and the main point is that this is the field we want, this is the passion of a fun battle.